How to drive a Car in Saskatchewan in Winter

How to Stop Car on Slippery Conditions:

  1. Shift to neutral (or declutch) before you brake.
  2. Brake early and gently using the threshold technique. (See Threshold braking.)
  3. Again, search for the best traction and position your vehicle to take advantage of it.
  4. Allow extra space for other drivers to stop. They may not be as skilled as you, or their traction may be worse.


Whiteouts occur when the sky, horizon, and ground blend into one, making it very difficult to determine your position on the road. All shadows and distinctions disappear so that you can barely tell where the road ends and the ditch begins.

First Snowfalls Driving

During the first few snowfalls, drive very slowly and keep a 6-second following distance. It takes time to change your summer driving patterns. Exaggerate your gentleness on your brake and accelerator pedals and you will stay out of the line-ups at the body shop.


Lives continue to be lost in Saskatchewan winter blizzards.

Dress warmly for long trips. Do not be deceived by the false comfort of a well-heated car and wear indoor clothes on long journeys.

Before starting a long trip, listen to weather forecasts and pay attention to storm warnings. If storms develop while you are traveling, seriously consider stopping over in a town or village, rather than continuing, when there is a possibility of being stranded.

For More Information about Winter Driving, Please Click Here

If you would like to Register for Winter Driving Please Text your First and Last Name on 306 201 8458 or Click Here

If you are stranded:

  1. Always stay with your vehicle.
  2. Keep calm.
  3. Lower your downwind-side windows slightly and open the heater air vent to get fresh air into the vehicle.
  4. Run the engine to get some heat, and listen to news reports, but do not run out of gas.
  5. Keep your exhaust pipe clear of ice and snow.
  6. Get into your emergency clothing before you get cold.
  7. If necessary, use candles to keep warm. Be careful not to overexert yourself by shoveling or by pushing your vehicle.

Many people die when they leave their vehicles to walk for help in a blizzard. If you stay with your vehicle, you have a better chance of surviving and are more likely to be found.

For Detailed Information about Winter Driving, Please click on the link below.